Saturday, October 17, 2009

Medical Separation 10/15/2009

A female PCT (Peace Corps Trainee) experienced a seizure while aboard the boat to our scuba dive. I remember the incident quite vividly so much to the extent that I wish I could expel it from my memory.

As we were making our way over to the reef, Amanda, who was just a few feet away from me on the bow, fell back onto the boat. Her sunglasses flew off and I immediately looked into her eyes - it was as if she had just seen ghost. While violently convulsing, all the surrounding people screamed out, "Help!" Her eyes glared into the bright sky and I couldn't help but stare into her eyes and think that this beautiful sky was perhaps the last image her mortal body would see. Fortunately, after some time, Amanda was able to come out of the seizure unscathed. However, the memory of her eyes seared into my brain and to this day I wish I could forget it.

Unfortunately, this past Monday she experienced another seizure. As she also experienced a condition similar to the stomach flu the first week in Samoa, this became grounds for a medical separation. Due to her untreatable ongoing medical condition and as well as the liability this imposes on the Peace Corps, Amanda will be returning to the US indefinitely to obtain a diagnosis.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, just in training and already having quite a lot of intense experiences. I see your going out of touch for a little while as well. Hopefully by the time you get back I'll have some music to show you. ALready finished the video to the song we recorded and gonna do one more for another piece. (kind of a serious one) I figure one funny one, one serious one would be good to keep the balance. Well, I'll read some more of your blog here to see how everything's going. I'm really pretty interested in your experiences and really wonder what it will be like when you actually get to work. All the best


